Well she has arrived!
Olivia Edith White was born January 13th at 10:45pm weighing in at 5lbs 10oz and 19.25 inches!
Her birth was such a different experience from Lillian's birth... both amazing in their own ways.
Contractions came and went for weeks, strong then nothing, mild then nothing, mild, then strong, then nothing. So we were pretty disappointed when Carly and John (good friends that came to help when Olivia would be born) had come and gone... and still no baby.
So Tuesday night we were watching tv with normal mild contractions coming and going when all of a sudden one HUGE contraction came on. So strong that I couldn't sit still!! At first we thought. "well this may be another false alarm so we will wait and time them for an hour" (as previously instructed by Dr.)...but then 2 minutes later there was another, this time even more intense to the point where Jonathan said, "are you ok? your starting to worry me". I was a little shocked as well by the intensity... ok I was REALLY shocked... I told Jonathan, "we need to go... NOW".
So as Jonathan sprinted up the stairs to get our hospital bags, cell phones, chargers etc I called Sara (our amazing nanny). I told her "ummm well the baby is deff coming... Im not sure we can wait for you to get here to leave (she was coming to care for Lilli while we were in the hospital) but we are going to go next door to see if the neighbor can come and keep an ear out for Lilli (she was already asleep, thank goodness) until you get here."
So Jonathan ran next door to get the neighbor... no answer. We both were on the verge of panic, seeing as I didnt want to have the baby on the kitchen floor, in the car, or without an epidural for that matter. Luckily we found their cell numbers and woke them up! Zac (neighbor) came running over just in time to see me trying to breath through a contraction in the car, he gave me a thumbs up and with that we were off to the hospital.
Now I know that speeding is bad, there are a reason of speed limits. HOWEVER when your wife is literally about to pop a baby out... you speed. Jonathan did absolutely amazing. He got me to the hospital in 10 minutes flat. Seriously he is my super hero!!!
When we got to the hospital the nurses were moving at a decent rate, of course not fast enough since I could tell just how far into labor I was but as soon as the nurse checked me her eyes got big and she said "Uh she is 8 cm" then there were 3-4 nurses swarming around us doing all sorts of stuff to me and asking us questions for paper work, one nurse even stole another patients wheel chair to get me into my delivery room faster. That nurse ROCKED. The whole time between contractions I kept asking "what about and epidural, what about an epidural!!!'
There was no time... dun dun dun... there was time for a Spinal though!!!! (I know you are all as relived as I was :) ) However this took a nurse physically squeezing my iv bag in order to get a full bag of fluid in me in order to get the spinal in enough time before hand. It was all crazy. I am so thankful for those nurses! They were all so awesome.
The Spinal was incredible. No spaghetti legs afterwards! I literally got up and walked around after delivering Lilli!
So we arrived at the hospital and within 45 minutes little Olivia was born.
Jonathan was even able to help deliver her, which was incredible. INCREDIBLE!!!
She is such a miracle, and we are so so blessed to have our to little girls!