Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol

Ok so for those of you who know me, you know that I am not the biggest American Idol fan. Just never caught my attention. The past few seasons I would watch the competition on and off... never to upset if I missed a few episodes. Well, this season....all that has changed.
It was all I could do to keep from throwing my water bottle at the tv when they voted Alison off. The girl has got talent!!! So I decided that I was partially to blame since I never actually voted.
Last night was my first voting spree... over and over and over I dialed 1-866-436-5702, 04, and 06
Even convincing friends that were Adam fans... not to be. Hopefully we made a dent in the voting pool. I finally had to call it quits when my husband said "ok, um, I cant handle another beep from that freaking phone. Stop voting."
We will see tonight if the beeping paid off!!

Who did you vote for??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Idol fan. I vote every year ... but only for people that I would actually purchase.

I was bummed about Alison too.

I voted until my phone battery died last night ... we will see what happens.